Entrepreneurs and executives at higher corporations don’t often think about succession. For them, they are focused more on the short-term planning and execution of strategy than the long-term planning and where their position will be. However, it can stunt the growth...
Finding and hiring the right and qualified successor for your business is a necessary process that ensures the sustainability of your company. The entire process should be approached with due diligence to ensure that the appointed successor shares in your vision and...
Small business owners simply can not remain in control of the company they have built forever. They may choose to sell the company at some point to do something else or retire and pass the company along to a successor. For this to occur smoothly, small business owners...
Creating a succession plan for your business is an important next step. If you or another leader is planning to retire, then you need to have a predetermined course of action to ensure a smooth transition to new leadership during this next phase of the company’s life....